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Shot Yourself In The Foot Love......

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ToraToraTora | 13:02 Thu 02nd Mar 2023 | News
23 Answers
Is anyone going to trust this "journalist" again?


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"Anything that brings sexxxxyyy laydeez to the fore is fine by me." For a moment there I thought PP had returned!
From what I read in the news this morning is the attitude of some politicians at the time, and how there was a deliberate policy to get heavy with the police; which translates to, oppress the public citizens in the UK using the police force, as tyrannical governments do elsewhere with their police/citizens. This is an appalling confession and seals the oft held opinion that no one who wants to be a politician is likely to be suitable for the job. 'Feet of clay' simply doesn't cover it.
Having read some of Matt Hancock's comments it seems to me he was trying to protect the population - who wanted thousands of school children mixing and spreading covid to friends and family? A short, sharp lockdown for all was imho the best way of preventing spread.

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Shot Yourself In The Foot Love......

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