Crosswords1 min ago
Anyone Had Their Sp Increase Letter Yet This Year?
17 Answers
I haven't.
LB: EVERYTHING you get now (inc the SERPS element of your pension) will increase by 10.1%. That's confirmed in the booklet that comes with the letter, which I've scanned here: https:// i. postimg. cc/ KcgPbnDf/ Pension. jpg So, to work out how much EXTRA you'll get, multiply your current payment by 0.101. Alternativel y, to get the new TOTAL amount, multiply...
15:14 Mon 06th Mar 2023
EVERYTHING you get now (inc the SERPS element of your pension) will increase by 10.1%. That's confirmed in the booklet that comes with the letter, which I've scanned here:
https:/ / KcgPbnD f/Pensi on.jpg
So, to work out how much EXTRA you'll get, multiply your current payment by 0.101.
Alternatively, to get the new TOTAL amount, multiply by 1.101.
EVERYTHING you get now (inc the SERPS element of your pension) will increase by 10.1%. That's confirmed in the booklet that comes with the letter, which I've scanned here:
So, to work out how much EXTRA you'll get, multiply your current payment by 0.101.
Alternatively, to get the new TOTAL amount, multiply by 1.101.