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Wife Swap!

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Homer55 | 09:34 Tue 03rd Oct 2006 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
Oh my god, who was worse John or edwina? The way she wouldnt let the "booby" speak. I think her and JJ sould have got together.


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Aw i missed it. Is it repeated anytime?
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Not sure, sorry
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Yeah i watched it - that man JOhn is just a beast - but its "Boobies" fault if she lets him live like a slob and lets him treat her like a slave - she's a grown woman and should sort it out.

I thought Edwina was a right b!tch when they met at the end - patronising and bullying towards boobie as if they were having a political debate, wouldnt let her get a word in.

I agree - i wanted Bobbie and JJ to get in on.
Did anyone else think that Booby and Edwina's hubby got on very well??

I think John and Edwina are very much alike in the way they are domineering and loud!!!

And Edwina let herself down at the end by not letting booby get a word in.
glammapus...if you want to watch it, apparantly it's being repeated on E4 Sunday 15th October, but at 3am. So unless you can record it, you'd have to be pretty keen to see it!
Excellent viewing! Overall I thought Mctwit was an absolute pig. Who, quite honestly would want to have sex with someone who doesn't wash or shower? Lays in bed all day, has his wife as a servant (and yes, it is her fault for putting up with it). He must stink. I thought Edwina did ok to begin with but then let herself`down at the end, what a shame! Deffinitely the Booby should get it on with JJ and then Edwina would know what it is like to have someone have an affair behind your back. Yeh!

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