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Q: What Is 23 Years Old And . . . .

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Canary42 | 17:33 Wed 15th Mar 2023 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
. . . still yielding a colourful sight every Spring.

A: Those thousands of daffodil bulbs planted on roadside verges etc. to celebrate the Millennium. Where have all those years gone, seems like only yesterday.


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You're right about daffodils being colourful. Our roadside verges are getting beautiful daffodil displays just now, and all planted by our local authority gardeners. Our daffodils are still celebrating the Millennium!
Me circa 1969.
Chadderton Way in Oldham has them all the way up the centre of the road, but I can't find a photo. Ah well!
Oh thanks, TheWinner! It sure is. Do you know if that has been taken this week? It's just like that right now. Looks really impressive. Thanks again.
No. Just looked closely. It's 2009. But it's still the same this year.
very impressive!
Harrogate Stray is lovely as well.
They are lovely outdoors but I can't stand them indoors. The smell is horrible.

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