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tedsgran | 15:16 Thu 16th Mar 2023 | Crosswords
57 Answers
Help please with highlighting "the word".....assume it's not in the grid because of how the preamble is worded??


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Posies, sprays. Poses = asks, with I/one inside,
Thank you, NAC.
You're welcome, Tilly2, though I muttered under my breath that you hadn't given the clue - I couldn't give the reasoning for the correct answer without going off to find my copy!
Sorry! I shall endeavour to ask correctly in future. :-)
Thanks, Tilly2. I could have said just 'Posies', but saying why is useful - others looking in might have wondered what the reasoning was. It's nothing major!
Here's an unclued one that will send you scurrying for your copy, NAC.

28d Arsier?
That bottom right hand corner is problematic for me.
Tilly2, no, that's definitely not... correct. It's more cerebral than that.
Your 'r' should be an N and your 'i' should be W, Tilly2.
...your final 'r' is correct.
Just the one to do. 31down
" Fruit drink from palm tree, very Italian" (5)

Whilst I'm on here, I've put WIDOW for 36a "Forgetting name, chaff old woman perhaps " but not sure (assuming widow is right), how it's arrived at. WINNOW = CHAFF, and forgetting name could explain dropping the nn but where does the D come in to it?
Many thanks for any help.
I am still stuck on 20d
NACW i didnt see the hint you mentioned or have missed it
I think it must be combined. Mightvnthat be correct?
Johnpiper, the hint was at 12.48 yesterday. If that still doesn't help, come back...
WI(n)DOW and 'chaff' are the same metal strips that are used to disrupt radar signals.
ASSAI (alt sp. of 'acai' for the fruit/tree) is a double def - Italian musical term for 'very'.
...sorry, it's a triple def - also a drink from the same fruit.
Thanks Prof. M. - much appreciated. (I'll have to look at 8a again as I must have it wrong!)
I think you're looking for a synonym of the word you've entered, electricnostril (if it starts with 'h'?)

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