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This Is What Goes On In Plymouth When We Are Sleeping.

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pastafreak | 21:19 Fri 17th Mar 2023 | ChatterBank
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all part of a 12.7 millions refurbishment of the city centre...that we are now being told no one wants. I almost cried when I saw it.


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Thanks Seekeerz, I might wait another few minutes x
Question Author
No problem x
Yes, I’ll bet they did too, pasta ….hard to sleep through one chainsaw, let alone a whole gang of them, I love the ‘safety’ angle of doing it at night ….I have a picture of little old ladies in hairnets brandishing umbrellas at the crew ….pity a few injuries weren’t inflicted.
They should have kept the trees and knocked all the buildings down. Armada Way looks like a sixties hangover, with buildings made
Don't know what happened there. Repeat:

They should have kept the trees and knocked all the buildings down. Armada Way looks like a sixties hangover, with buildings made entirely of concrete panels. In fact that whole area looks like that. Renovation badly needed but no details as yet.
A friend of mine won a holiday for a week in Plymouth, second prize was 2 weeks.

This tree-cutting is scandalous and I hope you voters, pasta, turf the council out at the next local election.
Having been to Plymouth on many occasions as we live in Devon I have seen that it does need to be modernised but don't think this has been the right way to go about it. Back in Feb they said they were going to have more consultations on it. Then without warning they bring in the heavy machinery in the night and cut the trees down very quickly. It seemed they knew there was going to be an injunction slapped on them before they had finished and so did it as quickly as possible. I hope there is some punishment for those involved in the decision making having not been through the proper channels. Maybe the people of Plymouth will show them at the next elections that they can't go about things this way and get rid of the lot of them. Our council does similar. They cut down healthy trees yet when we asked about an oak tree outside of our garden which should never have been planted and which is right up tight to our hedge and causing problems with a lane next to it they slap a preservation order on it. Then they say it is not dying, dead or diseased which would be fine if it applied to everyone.
Question Author is very much a 60's hangover. When Plymouth was rebuilt in that decade, they decided to use the grid system of NYC as 'inspiration'. Concrete and ugly buildings galore.
Previously the city was a wonderful mish mash of winding streets and Victorian houses. I almost cried when I first visited...though my husband had warned me not to expect much in spite of the age of the city.
The same stupidity is in control now. I hope heads roll.
Absolute Vandalism pasta, I completely agree.
I was disappointed when we visited Plymouth last year for our annual memorial weekend. Part of that is usually a small private service that we have next to the Naval Memorial, but we couldn't get access unless by arrangement due to the fact that it had been panelled off whilst a concert was taking place right next to it. However, we went to Belvedere Gardens instead. I just wonder what delights will be facing us when we go this year. I remember there used to be a pedestrian only tunnel that went under Royal Parade onto Armada Way but it didn't last long before they filled it in. I always get the impression when I visit Plymouth that the council aren't really interested in the long and rich heritage that there is in the city. Just sayin'.

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