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gness | 14:08 Sun 19th Mar 2023 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
How on earth did you find The Wishing Song!? Did Bob Geldof have anything to do with it? :-)


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lol, we were discussing Irish/English cultures. I was talking about Wind in the Willows: and found out about Darby O'Gill and the Little People. :)
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Thank you! When I was about nine years old my mother wanted to go to the pictures. She decided to take me. Rare for my mother to treat me. :-)
The film we saw scared the living daylights out of me. I had nightmares.
I couldn't remember the name and for years have wondered about and looked for the film with no success.
A few weeks ago famous people were asked about their favourite Irish film. Geldof said Darby O'Gill and the Little People so I had a look at it.
There was the film that had scared me all those years ago and then you posted The Wishing Song from it.
I may watch it all again....after a glass or two and holding Dave's hand. :-)
Think we were discussing children's films well suited to an adult audience.

I wondered why you mentioned BG :)
This just caught my eye //choux Choux ChatterBank1 min ago//
Made me laugh, choux choux, train coming ?
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Says the woman with user name. ;-)
Stop it Mrs !
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So many of these comments could have been written by me.

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The Banshee is never seen in Kerry or Cork, only heard. That's because Kerry and Cork folk are a bit different. She is often seen in Mayo where I spent much of my childhood.
Some will say that she only appears to folk with a surname beginning 'O. Mine doesn't now. The 'O was lost years ago. But I'm still wary. :-0

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