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I Finally Got My Tattoo

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Redhelen72 | 17:29 Sat 25th Mar 2023 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
I took some time to myself and got my tattoo whilst away.
It’s just a paw surrounded by a heart but I am very happy about it.


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At first glance it can look like the upper arm...veins say otherwise as they are visible at the wrist.
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Tilly it’s between my elbow and my wrist
The photo is confusing. Nice tattoo though. It still looks a bit sore.
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That’s an old picture lol it’s all scabbed now and doesn’t look that nice just now
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Lol it’s just healing, the scabs will drop off and the fresh skin will be grand
It looks to start just below your shoulder to me. Are you sure you haven't got your arm on upside down?
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Lol no, himself to the photo standing infront of me.
That's a relief!
rather elegant. Do you have to list distinguishing marks in your passport these days?

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