Today Liam Fox gave a speech on defence at the Tory party conference. He stated that Britain's defence spending must increase greatly. He cited the dangers of Russia and left the viewer in no doubt that we employ missiles on our soil to assist in the star wars program and updating our nuclear weapons.
Is this the attitude Britain should be taking when diplomacy by the Foreign Office has persuaded Russia to act as a partner to fight global terrorism?
The tories, or some of them, wish to involve Britain in a new phase of the cold war and it should be stopped in its tracks to prevent any escalation of a fragile peace. Should Britain ensure its foreign defence policy is unilateral and not be tied to any neo-conservative idealogy?
What makes you think it ever really stopped? Weren't British spies caught in Russia about a year back - trying to send messages to a computer diguised as a rock in some sensitive area?
As for Whickermans replies anyone can see that this episode had all the hallmarks of a Monty Python sketch. What was the result...some hand slapping...dont be naughty boys...and behave yourself in the future.
The so called British spies did not even have to leave Russia!
I know! It was hilarious. I remember there was some high-ranking Russian figure (tongue firmly in cheek) specifically asked at a news conference fo the men not to be expelled as they would actually have to follow their replacements, not just leave it up to the spies themselves to show everyone where they are