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34 Charges! I Wonder How This Will All Play Out. Any Predictions?

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Atheist | 22:11 Tue 04th Apr 2023 | News
34 Answers
Trump arraigned and looking rather grim.
I haven't got a link; saw it on BBC News.


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I didn’t know about that…just seen the clip on Twitter.

Naomi @ 09.34 I can not see any AB site rule that say it is an offence to Compare Johnson with Trump after all they have an awful lot in common
I guess AB has found him Guilty, just like the post a couple up for someone else.

// I did laugh when the police didn't hold the door open for him. //

That's just plain bad manners on the part of the police.
Yeah, those damn democrat police
Maybe the police's rudeness is a bit of fall out from when one of their was killed in the storming of the Capitol by Trump supporters?

You wrote:

//I guess AB has found him Guilty, just like the post a couple up for someone else.//

I can only see one post on this thread which assumes Trump's guilt.
I have a feeling that this will rebound on the Democrats and harden divisions in America.
Meanwhile on another side of town and "unknown" to the legacy media and main news suppliers, the 9th Circuit has just awarded Trump $121,962.56 in attorney fees from Stormy Daniels. This is in addition to the roughly $500k she already owes him, and not yet paid, for the court case that she was encouraged to bring agains him for "defamation" in 2018. Her attorney when the case against Trump was launched was Michael Avenatti who was subdsequently jailed for extortion. Boo ... He's behind you. :))
I read the story about Trump being awarded legal costs from Stormy Daniels on the BBC news website this afternoon Togo. Are you one of those conspiracy nutters?
Ahh The "missing link".^
// I did laugh when the police didn't hold the door open for him. //
That's just plain bad manners on the part of the police.

yeah foo! why didnt the police ( capitol police that is!) hold the doors open for the those nice protestors exercising their rights of free speech and assembly and say - - come in come in
and then no one wd have died

phew! a good Good Friday on Ab then
there is more than one missing link on AB Towg
ter daah

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