Law0 min ago
How Long From Kingston To St George’s Hospital By Bus Or Train?
3 Answers
From Kingston on 131 bus please, need to know how long to allow for a hospital appointment. Otherwise from Kingston Station, how many times would I have to change trains, for Tooting Broadway? And from TB Station, how far is it to walk to Rose Centre? Thanks all. I would rather get the bus, it looks like a direct route, but need to know how long to allow. Thanks everyone as always x
This time of day the 131 takes an hour or just over. Use the TFL journey planner. Put in Fairfield Bus Station or your preferred stop to Tooting Broadway, then choose bus only....
16:36 Wed 12th Apr 2023
This time of day the 131 takes an hour or just over. Use the TFL journey planner. Put in Fairfield Bus Station or your preferred stop to Tooting Broadway, then choose bus only.
https:/ /tfl.go an-a-jo urney/r esults? InputFr om=Fair field%2 0Bus%20 Station &Fr om=Fair field%2 0Bus%20 Station &Fr omId=10 06705&a mp;Inpu tTo=Too ting%20 Broadwa y,%20To oting%2 0Broadw ay%20St ation&a mp;To=T ooting% 20Broad way,%20 Tooting %20Broa dway%20 Station &To Id=1000 234& ;app_id =826806 3a& app_key =14f7f5 ff5d64d f2e8870 1cef204 9c804&a mp;Jour neyPref erence= leastti me& Mode=bu s&J pType=p ublictr ansport &Ac cessibi lityPre ference =norequ irement s&C yclePre ference =none&a mp;iscy clehire =false& amp;isM ultiple Journey Selecti on=true &jo urneyty pe=Bus% 20only& amp;use MultiMo dalCall =false& amp;isE arlierL aterAja xCall=f alse
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