Over some few years I have bought sister LED bulbs - she likes the wattage to be the old 150 wattage.
I bought her one last week via Amazon - and whilst it says on the box it is equivalent to 150wattage - she thinks it is darker than the first one I bought her.
Maybe I bought the wrong one but don't think I did
I had a choice - warm white, cool white, daylight white and I went for the last one.
I don't want to order any more until I can be sure they the old 150 wattage.
I have looked on my Amazon account from years ago and I can't find the old one I bought her
Anybody help find one with the 150 WATTAGE . Thanks
According to a chart I’ve found the equivalent LED to 150w ‘old’ type lamps are 20-30w. Sounds like your sister likes things as bright as possible so I’d go for as near to 30w as you can. I’d also go for cool white as that should be the whitest light.
Well, you shouldn't be choosing an LED using "watts" (a measure of power used by it) but "lumens" (a measure of how bright it is).
You're looking for a rather bright LED and you need to look for over 2500 lumens. All LEDs are labelled with the number of lumens they emit...so it should be easy!
Assuming the bulb holder, shade etc is able to accommodate the heat from 150W incandescent, she can use them but they will cost much more to run, about
5 times as much as LED, and will last for about 1000 hours use each so will need more frequent changing.
jennyjoan. An LED uses about a tenth of the energy of an old fashioned bulb with the same brightness. If your friend doesn't worry about the cost of electricity, then she can happily carry in using the old fashioned 150W bulbs.