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Bounty Hunters In The Usa.

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sandyRoe | 09:58 Tue 18th Apr 2023 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
If one went to a house, in Texas for example, in search of a bail jumper and was shot through the door how would the authorities react? What powers do these people have? How dangerous a job is it?


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Watch Dog the Bounty hunter maybe to find out?
Our local Spar has them displayed beside the Milky Ways etc, easy to find.
And dangerous to approach.
In Texas, bounty hunters can only enter a home with the owner's consent. Bounty hunters can carry handcuffs and guns. However, they must always state that they're bounty hunters who work for a specific bail bond agency or legal entity.

What Are Bounty Hunters Legally Allowed to Do?
as N says, rightly - - I am a champion googler

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Bounty Hunters In The Usa.

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