Another relatively straightforward Listener for beginners. For those craving a tough puzzle can I recommend the Inquisitor puzzle from last Saturday -- very tough clues and an unusual endgame.
I'm hoping the Inquisitor can provide my 'fix' for this weekend too.
We're due a beast in this series, but although this wasn't it, it had plenty of abstruse words to make the solve a good challenge. The construction is impressive, I agree.
Fine construction. I found the level of cluing rather diverse and personally felt that the final strands of the endgame seemed to rely rather heavily on a very literal reading of the relevant Wikipedia entry
I am aware of the name to be highlighted but not the ritual. I learned something.
I turned the TV on yesterday to see the event (I have watched these events only a handful of times in decades) and confirmed that everyone was displaying the number in the cell with clash.
I'm not happy with it - but I don't think there was ever a formal ban, just an agreement that the weekly thread would be kept free of obvious hints and certainly it was the case that no explicit answers would be posted.
I'm sure that appropriate moderation could be organised to remove posts/threads which give too much away, but then this is a "questions and answers" site, so I'm not sure what the current editorial team think.