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elliemay1 | 15:53 Sat 13th May 2023 | Film, Media & TV
11 Answers
Just wondering why this isn't on tonight, can't have anything to do with the Eurovision, can it?


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Congratulations :D It will be back next week
Yes...ITV are showing two films instead of the usual fare, realising that there's "something big" on BBC1, and there's no point in trying to compete. (And advertisers wouldn't be too interested in buying time, either)
Yes I just looked for it Ellie. Assume they think everyone will be watching Eurovision which will diminish their viewing figures . Very frustrating
Perhaps they thought they'd lose viewers to Eurovision? It's back next week according to RT Online.
The one good thing is that the series will end one week later than it would have
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Thanks barry & bb, disappointed that it's not on, after all not everyone watches the Eurovision
I won't be watching Eurovision, rather watch Eurotrash :D
Why is it called Eurovision and not Eurosong?
barry - from memory, it was started when it was discovered how the European nations could exchange live TV broadcasts. A song competition was decided to be a good way to demonstrate it; it was the vision part that gave its name to the competition.
Thanks, bhg

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