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Good Morning Early Birds

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Redhelen72 | 06:02 Sun 14th May 2023 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Late night last night due to the Eurovision.
Out for lunch today so need to get the hounds walked and a little gardening done weather permitting.
Have a good day whatever you have planned.


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Morning all, I too watched some of the rubbish called Eurovision, the best bit being the tribute to Liverpudlian music. Nice day here and, other than the walk for the paper and a coffee, perhaps meeting with friends there, nothing planned.
Good Morning
One And All
And Isn't It
A Beautiful Morning ?

Am I Right ?
I'm Not Wrong !
Morning johnny.
Morning all, I watched a bit of Eurovision and thought it was worse than usual. I wasn't keen on the Liverpool music. I thought they butchered some of the songs. Was nice with sun coming up when I got up but now it's really misty. Do you have your car back DTC.
Good Morning Red and others! Sun streaming in is what I like to see. Didn't watch Eurovision but see now that UK didn't do well. Piece of lamb in slow cooker for later. Have a good day.
It's odd ...Friday saw an influx of about a dozen or so Abers to the GMEB thread agreeing it would be sad if the thread disappeared but they don't seem to have returned. It's personal choice, I know, and I admit I don't post every day but the thread will slip away if those who would like it to stay don't post!

Maybe less is more.
Good morning. It is a dry but overcast day in Norfolk, and there is the threat of rain in the air. Got a day off from work, have done some house cleaning and will soon go to Tescos. Happy Sunday Abers.
Good afternoon. I was going to post earlier but was having sticking keyboard problems.
It's a nice enough day out...but minus the sun we had yesterday.
Have a good day all.
It's a beautiful Sunny day again here in West Yorkshire, and nice to see lots of children out in the Sun on bikes scooters.. all sorts toys playing enjoying themselves as I went to the shop.

When I did nightshift I used to often pop in and greet WBM on GMEB thread sadly Emmie on occasion.... still nice that some keep it going I'm just not about that much anymore.

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Good Morning Early Birds

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