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Scrabble Strategy

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barry1010 | 15:29 Sun 14th May 2023 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
For the opening word would you use all 7 letters if you could? Just curious as to how others play


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I cheat.

I play against the computer and I get the first move. I don't start until I get a seven-letter word.

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I usually get a higher score if the bot goes first
Yes, and I have done. Especially against my son, who is a demon at Scrabble.
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I've got in to a rut and need to try different strategies
Have you tried making up words in the hope that it is actually a real word?
In a 2 person game If my seven letter word includes an 'S' then I would pass and hope to connect to the end of my competitors word otherwise I would play it.
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Wolf, I'm always making up words when I play against a bot. It doesn't work when you play somebody face to face, of course.

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