News2 mins ago
Be Careful What You Wish For Mk11
//A vehicle travelling at 20mph would stop in time to avoid a child running out three car-lengths in front.//
//And a vehicle travelling at 5mph behind a man with a red flag will stop//
Mr Starmer suggested to Mayor Khan that his ULEZ scam might be a vote loser yet they are suggesting this. Are they really attempting to bring this country to a halt.
Continually hitting the motorist is not the way forward at any speed or pay per mile. We will all get that eventually wherever you live.
Meanwhile, on LBC, this morning Khan has instructed the police to double their speeding fines from half a million to one million. At this rate the murder rate in the capital will exceed his traffic fines. Khan really doesn't care about people. Only their money to fill this odious creeps coffers. Why doesn't put him out his misery?
https:/ /uk.yah news/in troduce -10mph- speed-l imits-l abour-1 2165035 5.html
//And a vehicle travelling at 5mph behind a man with a red flag will stop//
Mr Starmer suggested to Mayor Khan that his ULEZ scam might be a vote loser yet they are suggesting this. Are they really attempting to bring this country to a halt.
Continually hitting the motorist is not the way forward at any speed or pay per mile. We will all get that eventually wherever you live.
Meanwhile, on LBC, this morning Khan has instructed the police to double their speeding fines from half a million to one million. At this rate the murder rate in the capital will exceed his traffic fines. Khan really doesn't care about people. Only their money to fill this odious creeps coffers. Why doesn't put him out his misery?
I consider 20mph speed limits to be nothing but cash-cows. They can do nothing for pollution with vehicles travelling well outside their designed optimum-economy speeds and, whilst you might argue that a car travelling at 20mph can stop in a shorter distance than one travelling at 30mph, that is only true if the driver is watching the road and not glaring at the speedo to ensure they don't get a fine.
//whilst you might argue that a car travelling at 20mph can stop in a shorter distance than one travelling at 30mph, that is only true if the driver is watching the road and not glaring at the speedo to ensure they don't get a fine.//
Spot on. After a recent spell in hospital Mr Khan made our residential side street a 20mph limit overnight. The police have a speed check almost 3 times a week on the road we turn into which is a bus route and on a gradient. This particular road meets up with the A24 London Road which is also a bus route and the same width. That is a 30mph limit.
My wife's car, a diesel, struggles to keep to 20mph in 2nd gear and starts labouring. As we duly keep to the speed limit we get impatient tailgaters and boy racers harassing us. Meanwhile as well as observing these idiots in our mirror we also have to ensure we are not exceeding the limit by as much as one mph. We also have traffic calming speed humps in this road. It's ridiculous. I recall one pedestrian injury on this road since I first lived here in 1980.
Spot on. After a recent spell in hospital Mr Khan made our residential side street a 20mph limit overnight. The police have a speed check almost 3 times a week on the road we turn into which is a bus route and on a gradient. This particular road meets up with the A24 London Road which is also a bus route and the same width. That is a 30mph limit.
My wife's car, a diesel, struggles to keep to 20mph in 2nd gear and starts labouring. As we duly keep to the speed limit we get impatient tailgaters and boy racers harassing us. Meanwhile as well as observing these idiots in our mirror we also have to ensure we are not exceeding the limit by as much as one mph. We also have traffic calming speed humps in this road. It's ridiculous. I recall one pedestrian injury on this road since I first lived here in 1980.
\\ Khan has instructed the police to double their speeding fines from half a million to one million.//
And if the police don't get the extra half million? Does Khan then reduce the speed limit even more to ensure they do? It will eventually get to the state where even driving a car results in a fine.
This man has gone power mad.
And if the police don't get the extra half million? Does Khan then reduce the speed limit even more to ensure they do? It will eventually get to the state where even driving a car results in a fine.
This man has gone power mad.
No rhyme or reason apart from screwing drivers for money.
My wife's car is non compliant. A Skoda Estate Greenline Diesel. She uses it these days to run me to hospital appointments when I need local anaesthetics (endoscopy). She has had it nine years from new and never had to pay VEL because of its Green credentials. It does not belch out diesel fumes hence the 'Greenline' designation.
We cannot apply for Khan's measly £2000 scrappage scheme as we have never claimed benefits. There are 50+year petrol cars out there which are belching out fumes and witless Khan deems them compliant. The whole scheme is a scam built on Khans Lies.
He claims 4,000 lives are lost in London each year due to traffic fumes. This is a blatant lie and he has no evidence for this. We know one young girl had died from acute breathing problems which were inborn and very sad but can't be attributed solely to traffic in her locale.. Bromley Council within ULEZ has cleaner air than many other areas in the UK.
My wife's car is non compliant. A Skoda Estate Greenline Diesel. She uses it these days to run me to hospital appointments when I need local anaesthetics (endoscopy). She has had it nine years from new and never had to pay VEL because of its Green credentials. It does not belch out diesel fumes hence the 'Greenline' designation.
We cannot apply for Khan's measly £2000 scrappage scheme as we have never claimed benefits. There are 50+year petrol cars out there which are belching out fumes and witless Khan deems them compliant. The whole scheme is a scam built on Khans Lies.
He claims 4,000 lives are lost in London each year due to traffic fumes. This is a blatant lie and he has no evidence for this. We know one young girl had died from acute breathing problems which were inborn and very sad but can't be attributed solely to traffic in her locale.. Bromley Council within ULEZ has cleaner air than many other areas in the UK.
RETRO, "He claims 4,000 lives are lost in London each year due to traffic fumes. This is a blatant lie and he has no evidence for this."
From a reply to a Freedom of Information request,
"The statistic relating to 4,000 deaths is taken from the following report:
The report was commissioned by City Hall and undertaken by Imperial College and it is based on the report finding that ‘in 2019, in Greater London, the equivalent of between 3,600 to 4,100 deaths were estimated to be attributable to air pollution, considering that health effects exist even at very low levels. This calculation is for deaths from all causes including respiratory, lung cancer and cardiovascular deaths’. The report goes into detail as to how the statistic was calculated and provides a breakdown by borough in the summary tables."
From a reply to a Freedom of Information request,
"The statistic relating to 4,000 deaths is taken from the following report:
The report was commissioned by City Hall and undertaken by Imperial College and it is based on the report finding that ‘in 2019, in Greater London, the equivalent of between 3,600 to 4,100 deaths were estimated to be attributable to air pollution, considering that health effects exist even at very low levels. This calculation is for deaths from all causes including respiratory, lung cancer and cardiovascular deaths’. The report goes into detail as to how the statistic was calculated and provides a breakdown by borough in the summary tables."
//This calculation is for deaths from all causes including respiratory, lung cancer and cardiovascular deaths’. The report goes into detail as to how the statistic was calculated and provides a breakdown by borough in the summary tables."//
That does not point the finger at vehicles alone. Most of those deaths are probably caused by smoking. I wouldn't trust Gov.Uk figures.
That does not point the finger at vehicles alone. Most of those deaths are probably caused by smoking. I wouldn't trust Gov.Uk figures.
//The report was compiled for City Hall//
That says it all. Mayor Khan is City Hall and has already massaged and lost figures and facts to his advantage . He managed to lose 5,000 anti ULEZ votes in the consultation stage. This mayor is totally corrupt and witless.He will soon have to answer to the High court and I will enjoy watching him squirm like the worm he is.
That says it all. Mayor Khan is City Hall and has already massaged and lost figures and facts to his advantage . He managed to lose 5,000 anti ULEZ votes in the consultation stage. This mayor is totally corrupt and witless.He will soon have to answer to the High court and I will enjoy watching him squirm like the worm he is.
//The report was commissioned by City Hall and undertaken by Imperial College…//
Would this be the same Imperial College that, under the tutelage of one Professor Neil Ferguson, produced a flawed model which resulted in outrageous – and wholly inaccurate - predictions of the effects of Covid 19, predictions which led to the most Draconian measures being imposed on the population of this country and many others around the world for the thick end of two years?
https:/ / tionalr eview.c om/2022 /03/imp erial-c olleges -fear-m achine/
Prof. Fergusson and his team have an unenviable record of being spectacularly wrong with a number of forecasts they have produced on the effects of various epidemics. So I think we should also be told why anybody would listen to the gumpf produced by Imperial College and, more importantly, who would commit a sizeable sum of taxpayers' dosh to pay for its production?
One further question to be put to Mr Khan should be that if he is so certain that air pollution from older vehicles will be responsible for so many deaths, if he really wants to "save lives" why does he not simply ban them from entry into London? It seems to me that he is quite prepared to allow drivers to kill as many people as they wish provided they pay £12.50 a day for the privilege.
Would this be the same Imperial College that, under the tutelage of one Professor Neil Ferguson, produced a flawed model which resulted in outrageous – and wholly inaccurate - predictions of the effects of Covid 19, predictions which led to the most Draconian measures being imposed on the population of this country and many others around the world for the thick end of two years?
Prof. Fergusson and his team have an unenviable record of being spectacularly wrong with a number of forecasts they have produced on the effects of various epidemics. So I think we should also be told why anybody would listen to the gumpf produced by Imperial College and, more importantly, who would commit a sizeable sum of taxpayers' dosh to pay for its production?
One further question to be put to Mr Khan should be that if he is so certain that air pollution from older vehicles will be responsible for so many deaths, if he really wants to "save lives" why does he not simply ban them from entry into London? It seems to me that he is quite prepared to allow drivers to kill as many people as they wish provided they pay £12.50 a day for the privilege.
\\ Khan has instructed the police to double their speeding fines from half a million to one million.//
can he do that? I thought the police were independent of politicians - viz their treading on the head of the flame-haired protester, in the vigil about Couzen's victim.
( like: no one cd tell them NOT to tread on the heads of ( very pretty and photogenic) protesters. IIf they were gonna do it then they were gonna do it, without fear, forethought or favour, yeah!
can he do that? I thought the police were independent of politicians - viz their treading on the head of the flame-haired protester, in the vigil about Couzen's victim.
( like: no one cd tell them NOT to tread on the heads of ( very pretty and photogenic) protesters. IIf they were gonna do it then they were gonna do it, without fear, forethought or favour, yeah!
Would this be the same Imperial College that, under the tutelage of one Professor Neil Ferguson, produced a flawed model which resulted in outrageous – and wholly inaccurate - predictions of the effects of Covid 19,
complete non sequitur even for a judge ! haw haw haw ( PP sniggers prettily into his wig, or someone else's)
yes it is: when the facts change, I change my mind, what do you do? John M Keynes.
The old higway code - 1970
finking distance at 20 mph ( for dose ABers who fink) 20 ft
stopping distance 20 ft ( 2 x 20 / 2 - geddit? cut off a zero (2) multiply by the speed 20 and divi by 2)
finking at 30 mph - 30 ft
stopping 3 x 30/2 - 45 '
are we really arguing about this? the figures have been around for 50 y. I re-did them in metres for my speeding course last monf.
20% of dying if hit at 30 mph, 80% ( cant get a ref) if you bullseye the windscreen
drive slower - fewer kids DDDDIIIIIIEEEEE!
It doesnt surprise me at I am the only ABer who knows that.
have fun boys and girls
complete non sequitur even for a judge ! haw haw haw ( PP sniggers prettily into his wig, or someone else's)
yes it is: when the facts change, I change my mind, what do you do? John M Keynes.
The old higway code - 1970
finking distance at 20 mph ( for dose ABers who fink) 20 ft
stopping distance 20 ft ( 2 x 20 / 2 - geddit? cut off a zero (2) multiply by the speed 20 and divi by 2)
finking at 30 mph - 30 ft
stopping 3 x 30/2 - 45 '
are we really arguing about this? the figures have been around for 50 y. I re-did them in metres for my speeding course last monf.
20% of dying if hit at 30 mph, 80% ( cant get a ref) if you bullseye the windscreen
drive slower - fewer kids DDDDIIIIIIEEEEE!
It doesnt surprise me at I am the only ABer who knows that.
have fun boys and girls
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