100 assorted questions, all answers contain something which can be paired with Black and/or White. Cut off date 3rd August 2023.
If you would like a copy please either send SAE and a donation,(suggest £2 min) to Diane Wakeling 3 Lark Rise, Hardwick, Cambs CB23 7XZ or pay via www.justgiving.com/fundraising/diane-wakeling1 & email quizmouse@hotmail.co.uk for an email copy. Please MARK YOUR DONATION clearly so it can be identified. This is a 'No asking' quiz by popular request. Thank you.
Our totals raised for MAGPAS have now exceeded £35,000 via quizzes, thanks everyone once again.
I note this is a no-asking quiz . No guarantee all will follow "no asking request" after all you're advertising the quiz on a question and answer website.