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MAW321 | 16:44 Wed 04th Oct 2006 | History
7 Answers
What was Napoleon,s christian name.
many thanks


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Napol�on was his christian name: nce

Yes, Napoleon Bonaparte, born to Mr & Mrs Bonaparte.
Actually he was born Napoleone di Buonaparte and later copied Cherie Booth and changed it to Napoleon Bonaparte. His mother, Maria Letizia (Ramolino) had 13 children. Here is his mother.
Tattie I dont understand, how did Napoleon Bonaparte, who was born in the 18th century copy Cherie Booth who was born in the 20th century? it doesnt made sence mate. Please explain
Cherie Booth changed her name to Napolean ? Why ain't I heard this before ?
His mother was gifted with the ability to accurately see years into the future. For instance, she accurately forsaw Napoleon's rejection of Mlle de Beauharnais - "Not tonight, Josephine" - by previously seeing Vladimir Vladimiravich's rejection of Ms Booth - "Not tonight, Cherieiski".
Actually, there have been a few Napoleons in history. Are we perhaps talking about Ron Napoleon who played centre back for Watford in the 1930s?

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