I make no apologies for being chronically bored tonight and this place seems deserted, is there anyone out there? to communicate with? ask me a question? tell a joke? :))) x x x x x x x x x x x
I bet you are no longer bored nursecarla with the amazing response to your request for communication, wish I could offer you a one to one but am involved in a poker game, will look for you again. xx
I have just about time to reply, nice you have a sense of humour, my one to one was conversation between two people discussing anything and everything but even that can be boring! xx
I wish I could play the game nursecarla my associates love it when I agree to a play, it makes them look good and me poor, that's life. Nice chatting, thank you and have a pleasant evening. xx
hi carla, i have been hard at work all day and alas when i finally got home and signed into my MSN i was waylaid and distracted by this really charismatic and totally humourous person that kept me amused for a good hour and a half and so i am only now able to actually get on AB.
I am hoping the new ed has been busy sorting out any recent silliness and maybe Ab will be a pleasanter place for all ot that. ; ))) xx