I dislike seagulls. I live about a mile or so from the sea. They are flying around here in their dozens. Squawking all the time, and dropping presents all over the windows cars roofs, and some are nesting in peoples chimneys. Bet I will get some comments on this!
I'm about 20 miles from the nearest water and have a fair few about the place, the situation not helped by the mad woman round the corner who feeds the revolting invaders daily.
In a lovely little seaside resort near me, there are notices up warning people not to feed them. But they have been known to steal food from peoples hands
They can be a darn nuisance, especially in seaside towns. We were in Weymouth just over a week ago, sat in cafe near the beach. A man and his partner were enjoying sandwiches and chips, when suddenly a big sea gull started hovering above the man and suddenly swooped down and stole one of his sandwiches! He seemed quite oblivious to the flying thief..
I went to sit down at a beach cafe today. There was a handrail just by my seat with a very large herring gull sitting upon it.
Our eyes met, we stared at one another. Two feet apart. I demanded the seat and put my hand on the rail six inches from the gulls foot. Begrudgingly he gave way. Reluctantly he hopped off the rail. Strange, I’ve never had a dirty look from a bird before.
We're about 7 miles from the sea. Gulls congregate when the farmers plough. Our real problem is the horrible, invasive Canada Geese on the village pond. They may look elegant, but don't be fooled - they carry a virus which can be fatal to children in their pooh (this has rendered the village green unusable); they also kill (by drowning) the native ducklings and moorhen chicks - many of us have seen this.
If you have them - get rid of them. Easiest way is to prevent them breeding. It's not too difficult. Disturb the nests and take the eggs. (even I have managed this and chucked 2 eggs into the pond) They will get fed up and leave.
Sorry to diverge a bit. These birds are a real nuisance.
I work in a port and the seagulls and pigeons are horrendous, they cover cars with s""t and lie in the roads in their hundreds. They used to be culled but nowadays animal welfare has put a stop to that.
All we have now are "seagulls", two pigeons and two magpies in the garden, with an occasional robin. The gulls attack anything apart from the magpies and pigeons it seems. One once tried to attack our 45kg boxer. He was a dopy dog so they got really close first time, second time it tried he was ready. Gull left minus plenty of feathers. Didnt return.