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How Friendly Are You With Your Ex’s Family?

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Bobbisox1 | 21:05 Fri 16th Jun 2023 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I’m very lucky,I’m still friends with all of them , I divorced him not his family , his nieces and nephews still call me Aunty , I am friends with previous sister in laws too , my ex died around 6 years ago but we spoke if our paths crossed and it was always amic and friendly


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Too much smoke from all the burnt bridges to allow conversation without choking I'm afraid.
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Aww that’s a pity Douglas
Plenty of water under those burning bridges Bobbi, the current model may be a keeper after 40-odd years. :-)
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Always a silver lining Douglas
I don't have an ex, so really can't contribute.
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Ah there’s that Tilly
I’ll throw it open to afoul you get on with your in-laws then, I realise we don’t all have an ex
Yes, I get on very well with my in-laws.
They still see me as part of the family.
First ex no because it would have needed to out him, and it wasn't my place to do that, by the time they knew why we split it was too far down the line.
Second ex, no but she lets me know how they are getting on
Dave didn't have any living family.
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Are you and your second ex still good pals Rowan?
You definitely hit the jackpot with Redman , he was a lovely man
Nope, not at all. Don’t even know where they are,tho we didn’t fall out at all.
Apart from the evil twisted monster I met on here whose path I never wish to cross again, I keep in touch with two exes (just two nice chaps I dated for a while before I met the one) but there's no family to speak of.

They are both married now but keep in touch by email at Christmas, etc.
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Sorry, sleep caught up with me fairly early last night, Oh I remember him Lcg, he’s probably still on here in a different guise ?
I good grief, I hope not. I'm fairly certain he looks in though. He seemed to have amazing knowledge of the victim before me and how her life was progressing after she moved to Wales so he was obviously keeping tabs on her. Twisted little freak.
Not at all. That side of their family died out and so good-bye.
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It only made me realise how lucky I am that I’m still in contact when my holiday photos on FB are on, there was a lot of nice comments from his family and I still get referred to as their Aunty, sadly my sister in law from that side, passed away and the other one isn’t on FB but we’re in phone contact
Second ex, not pals exactly but we get on ok considering how nasty it got when I left. Someone asked me once if I would get back with her if I could but I said no. She's a fair bit older than me and I wouldn't take the risk of having to see someone else I love die
I don't have an ex, so really can't contribute.
you have contributed you silly girl !

my brother's wife still sees her son's ex - they like shopping to gether. the rest of us stick our fingers down our throats. she seems to ignore the little capers Miss X got up to - I blush as I write

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How Friendly Are You With Your Ex’s Family?

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