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Lie-in King | 15:46 Sat 17th Jun 2023 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
A heads-up just in case anyone enjoying Annika misses the fact that the final 2 episodes are on tonight, either side of the News & Weather on BBC1.

21:10 - 22:00
22:20 - 23:10


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I really enjoyed this series when it was first shown on Alibi, hope they make another
I've 'recorded' it but not started it yet, is it worth watching?
Finding it hard to get into which is a shame as I really like Nicola.
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Barry - I agree...

Margo - I've loved it, but our tastes might be different :-)
Thanks LiK. There's not much decent on at present so I'll make a start on it. I've been watching Best Interests with Michael Sheen and Sharon Horgan, heart rending but good.
We’ve been watching it on catch-up, binge watching actually. Really enjoying it but need our wits about us to enjoy it properly so don’t watch it if we’re tired or have had a drink which makes us nod off.
I'm not watching it, honestly

not because I don't like it, but I saw it on alibi

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