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Saga Crossword

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Smattie10 | 12:04 Tue 20th Jun 2023 | Crosswords
3 Answers
19 across Saga - Backing soldiers with support sheltering by cathedral city (6 letters0 a
Irish tory and broken man in the highlands ( o?r?a? )


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outlaw ?

In Ireland and Scotland broken men were clansmen who no longer had any allegiance to their original clan, and might be outlaws
13:06 Tue 20th Jun 2023
Avatar Image donny48
14 From the 1500s to 1600s, the term Tory first emerged to refer to the Irish who were dispossessed of their lands and took to the woods, forming themselves into bands that subsisted on wild animals and goods taken from settlers.
19 Can you clarify the positioning of your letters ?
EXETER - answered earlier.

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