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Flying Ants

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choux | 14:33 Mon 26th Jun 2023 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
...have just started to show up this afternoon. Deep joy, not. Anyone else got them?


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Aye, especially on the dec.
That time again already? Hate the blerdy things
The birds love them.
Not yet. Last year 16th June was 'flying ants day' here .

PS. Choux. your Lesser stag beetle was correct. !
Don't worry - they won't be about for long. The swarms consist of Queens and males setting off from the nest in search of pastures new. During their flight the Queens' only interest is to mate with the males. Once they've had their quickies, they find a new place to build a nest, chew off their own, now redundant wings and lay their first eggs. They do little more until they hatch. The males only live for a few days longer and will not take to the air again.
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Bless you for your honesty, jazzgirl! Keep your reward for that alone :}

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