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Watching Jv ( Well It’s On) And The Topic Is Should Fewer People Go To University ?

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Bobbisox1 | 08:36 Mon 17th Jul 2023 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I’d say Yes to this, there’s young people go and don’t actually come out doing the job they went to Uni for yet get themselves £££££ in debt
One degree if David Beckham study , eh?


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It was Tony Blair who conceived the utterly barmy notion that '50% of young people should go to university', which flies in the face of the simple fact that nowhere near that number are either academically or socially suited to university. Already, of those who want to go and are accepted, around 20% drop out because it's not for them. The money awash in...
09:05 Mon 17th Jul 2023
except there not really in ££££££debt....they only start to repay there student loans when they start to earn a good income
But i agree that expecting 50% to go to uni is madness and only going to lead to people going who arn't suited and meaningless /dumber down courses
Yes. Several I have known have ended up stacking supermarket shelves or driving home delivery vans - no jobs for them in their chosen profession.
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Bobbin , very often they don’t take the job they have a degree for and end up working in McDonalds etc,
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Crossed posts
I know that bobbisox, happens a lot. But they wont have to pay back any loans/debt if thats all they do. Nothing wrong with doing up to a year after uni in that sort of job though just to get some life work experience
Agree people go to uni and end up in work a million miles away from their degree. Only one of my daughters friends ' made good' to start with, daughter is now a teacher which is what she wanted. She didn't pay any tuition fees back for several years and that doesn't stop them putting interest on. Even when they take money out of your salary monthly they hold on to it til the end of the year when they put the years interest on, so you're paying interest on money that you've paid back!
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It’s more the degrees Bobbin , sociology was a favourite for those at schools for example, hundreds take that as their choices instead of maths , English and the sciences , my daughter didn’t go to university ,she’s got a very good career
...although the interest isnt relevant for most people including most teachers as they will not earn enough in there working life to repay all there loan... repayments are based on earnings not on what they owe including interest
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My grandson ( 19) is training to be a Quantity Surveyor and the company he’s with sponsor him to get a degree after four years , he does his course each Friday from home online , there’ll be no debt for him at the end of the four years, more apprenticeships are needed rather than some degrees
Maybe we should have a system where the government decides in advance what we are going to need in terms of doctors,dentists, scientists teachers, etc and provides full funding for that number of courses, and after that the courses for things like the legal profession, accountancy, architecture and business management should be managed by the appropriate professional bodies who should provide funding /loans once the person has applied to join at an entry level. The rest for example media studies, gender studies , the history of the Beatles etc should be treated as unnecessary and if someone wants to do it they should fully self fund
It was Tony Blair who conceived the utterly barmy notion that '50% of young people should go to university', which flies in the face of the simple fact that nowhere near that number are either academically or socially suited to university.

Already, of those who want to go and are accepted, around 20% drop out because it's not for them.

The money awash in universities offering useless qualifications, should be ploughed into proper apprenticeships and training for less academically inclined young people to find a job that suits them, and that will benefit the country that pays for them.
Agree with AH at 10.05. Imo the large percentage of students suggested by Tony Blair was just an effort to massage the unemployment figures as a vanity project for him
Unsure what JV is, but:

Yes far fewer should be getting university level education simply because they are not the academically gifted elite that really benefits. Instead of trying to make it a right of passage for all, as some political fools did in the past in order to make numbers liok impressive, we should return to sanity. No loans that don't get paid back if you just cruise along for a few years, off the unemployment list enjoying yourself at taxpayers expense; proper grant funding for those who can use the education to benefit society as a whole. A change of attitude towards education, semi-skilled and non-skilled employment is well overdue.
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Jeremy Vine O_G
Ah. Thanks.
I think far too many students are encouraged to go to university. My son did day release and night school while working in order to gain his degree. All college fees were paid by the company that he worked for. My grandson did an apprenticeship and again attended college and he now has a very well paid job. They have no debts to repay and earned while they were learning.

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