Listener N0 4774 - The Usher By Hidewell in The AnswerBank: Crosswords
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Listener N0 4774 - The Usher By Hidewell

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Matakari | 13:46 Sat 29th Jul 2023 | Crosswords
5 Answers
Good afternoon, I am pleasantly surprised to encounter this week’s Listener which seems very Matakari-friendly. Even if I do not reach the end game, I’m pleased to have got answers to all of the clues save three for which I seek some help. Thanks in advance!

32a Voyages with a late man of the woods? (5) : SILA? ( SILAS )
35a Directly snub (4) : S?OP
31d To escape, characters in Bury taking nine steps back (4 ) : S??P

( Solvers must complete the unclued bottom row (four words) when they finally get it. One cell in that row and all those containing the same letter in rows above must be highlighted. A down answer relates to the potential paths the letter might have taken. The name of the thematic object represented must be entered in the box below the grid; it is formed by inserting the first highlighted letter after what it is an example of (five letters in total) into the title. The Chambers Dictionary (2016) is the primary reference. )
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Voyages = Sails. You have to move A.
Directly Snub is double def. Your O is wrong.
For 31d go back 9 letters in the alphabet from each letter of b,u,r+y
For example -
33d is the key to 32a.
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Thanks, ProfesorMaisie, Hankir, Fleshpots! 32a is the naughty one…if the A must go, then it means my 34d is incorrect?
34 Trouble with grain in past (5) : AGGRO
Matakari, I think the point about 34 D was showing you where the A, in 32 A, would move to, where it would go (It's not to go, leave).

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Listener N0 4774 - The Usher By Hidewell

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