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Words We No Longer Hear

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Bobbisox1 | 13:00 Tue 01st Aug 2023 | ChatterBank
78 Answers
My friend has just said on FB, "Going into town, Shall I take my Gamp"
I haven't heard that in years


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She used a copper on the gas stove to boil the whites in Bobbi. It used to take more or less all day which was why we always had bubble and squeak and cold meat on a Monday
Bobbi - Galumpers are rubber over-shoes. I suppose a northern word for galoshes.
a timeshare - had to explain to my 15 years old grandson what it was.
mum use to buy brawn x
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yes Gulloshes here ferlew
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that's that spotty meat isn't it Mally?
yes made from brains x
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Dolly bird. My gran used to complain that the bus wouldn't wait for her if she was running for the bus 'but would have done if I were a dolly bird'.
only heard in sep 1964
New school, and I knew of Sairie Gamp but not Betsy Prig ( I dont believe Betsy Prig exists) in Martin Chuzzlewit

and the titterers in the class ( = the whole class) felt obliged to titter.
sort of pre-introduction to AB, really.

I said to a fella passing with a bull dog
your dog is a brindle - wwhich I last used god knows when. When I last say a brindle I suppose
and he said no actually it is a merle ( new word)
Just a little reminder Bobbi re your post at 16.04. Salford is not in Manchester. Salford is a city in itself. I know you said you'd posted on the wrong thread.
nitty nora the bug explorer lol
The word 'gay' in its original meaning, having been hijacked by the homosexual contingent.

In fact I read this very morning a reference in a piece of 19th cent. literature, "a gay monkey"; now corrupted as a description of a lively animal.
When we were young we used to call a rotary washing line a whirly go. Our son and his wife didn't have a clue what we were talking about when we asked if they wanted a whirly go when they moved into their new house.
Carbon copy - in the office.
Did anyone have a sit up and beg back in the day.
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