70+ Driving Licence Renewal in The AnswerBank: Motoring
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70+ Driving Licence Renewal

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MWG14 | 10:57 Fri 18th Aug 2023 | Motoring
12 Answers
I have been trying for two days to renew my driving licence but am having problems with the online application. I wonder if anyone else is having the same problems? This is not my first application since reaching 70.
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I've checked their website and there is no reported problems.
What exactly is happening?
I renewed my license online two weeks ago.
My new license arrived one week later.
I found it to be a straightforward process and had no problems at all.
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I keep getting three quarters of the way through the form and then it won’t go any further. It doesn’t say why.
Have you tried using a different browser? That might work.
I had the same problem in March of this year. I had to do a manual application with a new photo. I have no idea why it would not proceed.
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Thank you both.
If you still have no success, get it done at the post office - quicker than by post, and less faff
I couldn't renew mine online as I don't have a passport.
I was renewing it last November, and because of one thing or another, I now have no licence!
I echo barry1010's advice about going to the Post Office. With all the bad news about passport delays the other year I turned up at my local main Post Office. I took plenty of proofs of address etc., (none of which were needed, just my old Passport). They took my photo, asked me the questions on the passport form, I answered them and that was more or less that. I paid the small amount extra and went away.
My new Passport arrived 10 days later.

Definitely use the P.O. service for the Driving Licence, i.m.o..
Mrs JtH had to renew hers.
On-line application stalled as it "couldn't verify your identity" even though we used her passport details as verification.
We went to Post Office in the end.
Apparently, as her (blue) passport has been issued since Brexit and she had to sign it at home, there is no current digital 'imprint' of her signature anywhere.
The DVLC are aware of this issue but have not alerted the great-unwashed to the problem.
More and more people are going to get tripped up by this. :o(
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Many thanks.
Mine stalled the first time I tried today but went through smoothly a couple of hours later

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70+ Driving Licence Renewal

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