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Beware Rip Off Ryanair!

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naomi24 | 10:01 Tue 15th Aug 2023 | Travel
34 Answers
//An elderly couple said they were "horrified" after being charged £110 by Ryanair for printing their tickets at the airport.

Ruth, 79, and Peter Jaffe, 80, told the BBC's Radio 4 Today Programme they had to pay the fee after they mistakenly downloaded their return tickets instead of their outgoing tickets.

Ryanair maintained the fees were in line with its policy.//

That company really is the pits!


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Having to do a credit card chargeback because of the way they dodged and weaved during Covid was pretty awful too. That's one where they got it completely wrong.
This song explains everything:-

One can hardly claim they dont know what Ryan Air are, i.e. a bus service. And cheap if you know how to use them. Personally I have never used them but one of my daughters used to use them regularly especially when living in Magaluf as she only had hand luggage. It meant she could afford to come back for a couple of days, she couldn't have done that with others.

I agree entirely with the stance ClareTG has taken.
I've had a flight for 1p (+ the tax)
As I said above, people have mistaken Ryan Air for an airline. That is merely the vehicle they use to make money out of wallies who have no idea how to use them. The first thing I used to do is find which debit/credit etc card they didn't charge for then get it. There is always one and it changes. Then.....hang on why am I telling you lot how it's done?

That is a brilliant song and beautifully performed too.
as far as I can see, they're the only airline flying to Bergerac from the UK (Jet2 has a few but not from Stansted), so it's their way or the highway. And even with having to pay to check in, it's likely to prove cheaper than its rivals.

As TTT says, people travel with them to save money, but they need to read the small print and understand the rules. Ryanair save money by not having passengers queuing at lots of desks for hours, unlike other airlines, and not occupying runway space for a second longer than necessary; and those savings are passed on to customers. Passengers who disrupt their just-in-time procedures can expect to pay for it.

But really ... check your ticket. That's just so basic. jno jnr once turned up for a flight to the Far East only to find it was for the previous day. That caused a lot of parental eye-rolling.
I can't see what the problems is. You make a mistake, so you pay for it.

I love Ryanair and I greatly admire Michael O'Leary. He never hides behind such meaningless terms as 'customer service' but openly admits that his aim is to maximise his company's profits. That's how all businesses should be run.
they do have a customer service number - +3 531 582 5932 - but I'd be surprised to find O'Leary manning it, even for Red Nose Day.
17:55, well we have had our differences in the past but you are bang on there. The problem is that people are basically thick and then try and blame their errors on anyone but themselves. I also love O'leary's approach to this sort of whining.
TTT is right.

To look at it another way, Ryanair dismantles the whole cost of a flight into separate components and then lets you choose the ones you want - anything other than a seat on the plane being an expensive extra. Other airlines don't give you the choice. They just include it all and charge you accordingly.

Both methods are fine as long as you understand how it works.
indeed Tomus, many can't seem to see that.
That's how all businesses should be run.

most of the answers can be summed up as
'stupid old people'

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