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Asking For My Dentist

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douglas9401 | 20:01 Sat 16th Sep 2023 | ChatterBank
4 Answers

I have an appointment on Monday morn, 9am but my question is about food storage.

I tried in vain, as usual, to polish off tonights chicken Madras. I normally have it for dinner the next day but feel guilty about inflicting it second hand on the the dentist, especially that early in his shift.

Will I survive if I eat it on Monday night? It'll be refrigerated, I'm not an animal. 😊



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It should be fine Monday evening. If  have to split a dinner i always leave a day between the days I eat it. Rarely have something two days running.

He will be masked up. The curry should be ok as the flavour improves.

My dentist known affectionately as Halitosis Brown, gave up his practice much to the relief of several clients.

A good man, a competent dentist, with an unfortunate affliction. Strange, it never bothered him at all.... 

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Mine is no stranger to the garlic either but he's the one with the pointy implements in my gob and I'm quite happy for him to carry on unmiffed and fragrant.

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