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Looking For A Book From My Childhood.

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stoofur | 03:47 Tue 26th Sep 2023 | Arts & Literature
8 Answers


My sister and I were born in the mid 1970's. We both remember a book when we were young about two children going to school and it followed them during the day. The only thing I can really remember is that the children all had a nap during the day and all slept on the floor in the classroom. My sister has a big birthday coming up soon and I would love to find this book. I know it is not much to go on but if anyone has any ideas that would be great.



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Thank you both for responding. I know I've not given much to go on. It was not much more than a picture book with text at the bottom of the page if I remember. It want an Enid Blyton book and it's not on the best sellers list. I'll try speaking to my sister to see if she remembers more information and I'll update this question.

Was it a Ladybird book "Going to School"?

It's not the Ladybird book:

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Sorry, everyone, no it isnt a Ladybird book. I can see it in my mind but can't seem to focus on what it looked like. So frustrating. But I appreciate you trying.

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Sorry Nailedit, but not on this occasion (Great user name BTW).

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Looking For A Book From My Childhood.

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