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I Can't Get Internet On My Pc

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jennyjoan | 14:06 Tue 17th Oct 2023 | ChatterBank
14 Answers

Have hit every cable plugs. Just keeps saying at top. NO internet.   Yet I can get on this tablet. This should be in tech. Sorry 



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Turn your PC off.

Remove the power to your router.  

Wait a minute or two.

Power up your router again.

Wait another minute or two.

Turn your computer back on.

Then see if your internet access has returned.

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Chris I don't even know how to turn it off at computer or know how to reboot

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Is router th wee black box with blue light

>>> "Is router the wee black box with blue light"

Yes - unless Dr Who has just materialised in your living room, that is 😁

Just pull the power lead out of the back of it (and turn your PC off just as you normally would).

Have you accidentally put it in Aeroplane Mode?🛬

Alternatively, select Settings, Network&Internet then Wifi, and make sure it is switched to On.

If you can get internet access on your tablet (assuming Wifi) then its not likely to be the router unless like me your router MACs are restricted.

Start with the PC, what OS are you running? Win10?.

If so hit the Windows key and start typing Wifi, you should get an option appear in the applications (at the top) that says 'WiFi settings'  click that.

At the top it will tell you of Wifi is on (slider switch) and below it should say what it is connected to.  Do you see any of that?

JJ, I hope you don't mind me saying that you seem to be having numerous Internet problems - do you not have someone living nearby who could help you - most young ones have a good knowledge of same these days or a local computer expert?  I can understand it is difficult for you despite the mine of information supplied to you by Abers.

//Have you accidentally put it in Aeroplane Mode?//

Yes, always one to check, some laptops have a small switch on the side to turn Wifi off too.  My E7240 has one.  *** to find if you dont know!  Not applicable in this case though.


Is it a laptop or a desktop?

Sorry, I just re-read this and see that you say cables, is your laptop/PC connected by an ethernet cable as opposed to Wifi?

If so do similar: Press the Windows key and start typing ethernet, again you should see an app at top list saying "Ethernet Settings".  This should open a window and tell you what it is connected to.  You should also see lights flashing where the cable goes into the PC and similar should be happening on the Router/modem.

If you dont see a connection when the window opens click on the option "Status" in same window. If you are not connected and cant it will show you an option for diagnosis.  You can try that although now it starts to get a little more complex.

Hope that helps?


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Am getting a computer guy coming. I can't do anything more

When your computer guy comes have him write down what he is doing so you have it for next time. Also write down any other technical questions you have

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Will do 

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