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What Foods Should We Not Eat If We Wanted To...

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sandyRoe | 11:59 Mon 23rd Oct 2023 | ChatterBank
29 Answers

...reduce our carbon footprint?

Bananas and avocados come to mind and a lot of grain comes from the Americas or Ukraine.



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Olives, olive oil

Anything out of season that can't be shipped by bulk carrier, red meat from animals kept only for slaughter, most dairy unless you have your own cows or goats that are grass fed in the UK we would need to eat more rye and oats, and as relatively little is grown in the UK  soya products.I

So strawberries  apart from their short season are out but bananas that can be shipped efficiently are ok

I can eat red meat because I wear every type of skins. Hurrah!

The parts of the animals that aren't considered fit for human consumption usually goes in to dog and cat food and the manure is used as fertilizer.

there's always Cornish tea, Tregothnans, that costs more than it does to ship it in from wherever....

Meat's not a problem, just the type.

Plenty of ducks, rabbits, deer etc in the UK.


We eat a lot of game, I have two large freezers so that we stock up on game that has a short season.

Never mind what you eat,what about what you wear,we do not grow cotton in this country.

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