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Is Chatterbank Phasing Out?

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Giggsie | 15:05 Tue 24th Oct 2023 | ChatterBank
15 Answers

Miss reading and hearing about everyone’s days not being an early bird thread last few days. It's been going for years now I read it since waterboatman did it. Sad to see it go   



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Yes Minty is much missed. Haven't seen LadyCG or Bobbisox for a long while either 

Anybody can post an early bird thread, as confirmed by the Eds,  Giggsie. It's only been a few days since a good morning thread last appeared.  You can choose your own Title.  Open to all ;0) 

Your turn to start it tomorrow, Giggsie - at any time of the day 😊

The Waterboatman days were special.  Recent GMEB threads have been started by various ABers, variety is indeed the spice of life! 

Sending regards to Minty who always had something interesting to talk about - Emmie, too.  xx


Yes last time I heard Minty had covid again so I hope she has recovered 

Emmie sailed the friendly and welcoming craft that was Waterboatman's pleasant legacy to AB and she did him proud because she did it well.  It would be nice to think she might perhaps take up the GMEB wheel again.  If you're out there looking in, Emmy, how about it?  You are missed.

Poor Minty.  I've met  her and she's a lovely person.  I hope she gets well very soon.


AB is evolving daily, the last few weeks we could say all posts  in AB are dwindling . It's more of a  Facebook site now . 

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Yes anyone can start a thread but I was never up early enough but enjoyed reading them all. You got to feel you knew the people well I did. Also miss minty bobbisox and lcg did wonder where they were. Also liked emmie doing them so missed. 


The Chatterbank is a good section, and i enjoy the Good Morning threads and it seems someone usually gets one going. 

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It would be good to see Emmie back.  I hope she's OK and happy whereever  she is.  It was jogging along quite nicely until a few days ago, until the nastiness in fhe News Section took precedence.

Good morning, was up v early today to sort out all the laundry from our extended trip away. Just hoping the sun breaks through the mist so I can get at least some of it on the line to dry 🤞

Oops, meant to put that in good morning bit..

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