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Tilly is that dose him up so he doesn't wake up?

Tempted - OMG I work from home - he is home sick and so pathetic! lol its a good job I love him so much.


Lottie - how was Mr L birthday?

Oh she is gorgeous, what a little sweetheart.  Is she a Red Deer or a Roe Deer do you know?  Apparently they can have a life span of up to 20 years but few live that long, I just looked that up.

Wood pigeons are funny I agree.  They poo in my bird bath, then have a bath and then a drink of the same water.  Then they go back on the ground and fight each other over food.  My little robin won't come out until they have their lunch break, and they're on it now so time to put some sunflower hearts out.

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Red  he was intrigued by the huge box and is now trying to plough through all the instructions.  I ordered it with the option of getting free worms when we needed them, but they sent us worms.  Now those worms are having fun  on the pile of soil on  which he's  spread some suitable vegetation.  Phoned the suppliers who will send more free worms when we want them.  

We are loused out with wood-pigeons.  I do agree they can be funny.  They are just SO clumsy though.  They cannot do anything quietly and they build awful nests.  I am amazed there are so many of them because they are TERRIBLE parents.

We now have a lot of game birds wandering through the garden as the shooting season is well under way.  My very tiny little cat stood up to a large, shouty ,male pheasant the other day.  My other not so tiny little cat then tried to jump on it and eat it.  We were amazed!  They normally leave the birds alone.  And those cock pheasants can be really bossy!

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Ladybirder she's a Roe Deer and she's quite happy being out in the garden with us.

We don't have pigeons at all, crows and rooks, magpies, wrens, robins, sparrows, starlings, swallows.

A lovely pair of pheasants that have now made our garden home - so guess who is feeding them!!

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We haven't seen many pheasants round us this year.  The position of their maize breeding ground has been changed.  It was very near in the wood behind.  Red Kites are my favourite at the moment.  They bred in the trees opposite our bedroom window last year and this year.  Were very close to the Hawk and owl trust and another birdy place - Pensthorpe -so we get quite a mixture of birds.  But the pigeons are the best entertainers.  I love watching them courting on the electric cable that runs in front of our window, especially when they fall off.

That's lovely Lottie, pleased for you.

I'm a wee bit worried that my Robin hasn't appeared yet.  Most unusual. I hope next door's cat hasn't killed it, it's been trying to for ages.

Red Kites oh Yes.  I was there with a birding group when they were first released from Harewood House in Yorkshire.  They followed us, slowly, hovering above us but looking down at us. Beautiful birds.

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We have loads of  blue tits, coal tits and blackbirds. Some wrens and various others  butI am noticing less of the other birds, especially sparrows and no woodpeckers at all now.  Lots of Jackdaws and crows in the trees opposite, but they don't visit us.  I'm  blaming intensive farming and chemicals for the loss of some species.  

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I hope your little Robin is OK lady birder.  Our cats tend to be more interested in shrews and mice, but I hate to see anything killed to be honest.  We do get rats in the dykes around us and three pusscats are a good thing to have  but not when they are proudly carried home.  

Still no sight of him/her?  Doesn't get close enough for me to see which sex it is.

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Who is this Mr T I keep referring to?  Mr L might start to wonder!

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