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Bad Driving Habits

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AB Editor | 09:52 Thu 13th May 2010 | ChatterBank
17 Answers

Good Morning Everyone.

We'd just like to know if any of you have any "bad driving habits" - don't worry, it is anonymous! Those that bay for blood in the Motoring section will not know who you are!

Equally, if you'd like to answer on "behalf" of your "better" half - this is also acceptable!


This poll is closed.

What are your bad driving habits?

  • Speeding - 20 votes
  • 25%
  • Playing with the stereo - 14 votes
  • 18%
  • Honking the horn when angry - 10 votes
  • 13%
  • Not indicating - 7 votes
  • 9%
  • Looking at myself in the rear-view mirror - 6 votes
  • 8%
  • Talking on the phone - 4 votes
  • 5%
  • Using the wrong lanes - 4 votes
  • 5%
  • Applying make-up whilst driving - 3 votes
  • 4%
  • Tailgating - 3 votes
  • 4%
  • Queue jumping - 2 votes
  • 3%
  • Undertaking - 2 votes
  • 3%
  • Throwing rubbish out of the window - 2 votes
  • 3%
  • Not wearing seatbelts - 2 votes
  • 3%

See final stats

Stats until: 15:27 Sat 05th Oct 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)


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I put playing with the stereo but I only do that when I'm stationary...

Shouting at the kids should be on the list.....

I am the most impatient person I know until I get in a car.....Then I wonder why I can't be this calm in life..

OH wouldn't tick any of those boxes....
you can only tick one........
I only seem to be able to tick one of the above options...
lol snags
I only needed to tick bad bad drivers...!!!
In which case I'll go for the applying make up thing...
There doesn't appear to be a box for daydreaming...
I agree Ummmm - I don't do any of the above, but I did go through a red light once while giving the kids a lecture about bad behaviour in the car and how it ruined my concentration - luckily the road was empty.
I nearly went through a red light when my Dad was telling me a joke......We came to a skidding halt.
thre isn't a box for oggling
Question Author

You can tick multiple times now, Sorry everyone!

Could you bully anyone you know into voting on this please?


nor an option for 'seeing how long you can drive in a straight line on the motorway with your eyes closed'...
I always used to lecture my ex about not indicating and how it an be so confusing for other people, especially learner drivers, but now find that I sometimes dont!
And having been told off by my fella, I now make a conscious effort to make sure I do!

Oh, and my other one is sticking my fingers up and shouting all sorts of names at people who cut me up or something. Which is quite strange as before I could drive I always said I couldnt understand people getting road rage as it is pointless!
What about JJ and her bad Mr. Buzzy habit?
I'm not eligible to tick any of the boxes. However you don't have a box for gesticulating at old duffers wearing flat caps.
Just playing with the sounds and speeding ( maybe a bit ), so quite surprised there actually. :0)

Chain Smoking while Driving

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Bad Driving Habits

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