Creating Moulds And Replicas in The AnswerBank: DIY
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Creating Moulds And Replicas

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Old_Geezer | 20:05 Sun 21st May 2023 | DIY
20 Answers
Ok the first paragraph is background info. My woman has a bathroom scale, which normally stands on 4 feet, one per corner (obviously). These, unfortunately, will come off, and worse, one has and is missing. Since it is only one foot she didn't sling the scales immediately but contacted the manufacturing company, who (I think) turned out to be in the USA. They are happy to supply a replacement foit but will only post to a US address. We suspect it'd be far too expensive to arrange a US post location and forward posting to the UK, and they aren't even interested if she pays the international postage, so that avenue seems closed.

I'd rather it wasn't just slung away too, so hit upon the idea of using one of the remaining three feet as something to mould from. But the more I think of it, aren't most cast stuff of clay, or at least that unable to be crushed time and again by our super slim figures ?

No way can one contemplate a 3D printer. And the foot shape is sufficiently non-basic and connects to some spade-like connection such that I have no confidence that shoving any old thing in there will work accurately.

I'm open to ideas. Has anyone got any experience and suggestions on how to go about a fix ?

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Search for 'super glue baking soda' on YouTube. There are loads of videos showing how that combination can be used to mould different shapes in order to repair broken items.
If one cannot contemplate a 3D printer, could one not just remove the other three feet so the scales sit flat?

Does one still refer to one, Or does one not accept that one resides in 2023 ?
There are an almost infinite number of different rubber feet of differing size available.

My preferred fix method would be a rubber foot of the correct height, attached to the underside of the scales using epoxy resin.

This one often finds it difficult to tell whether he means just himself or folk in general...
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Forgot to get back to this yesterday, thanks for the suggestions.

I shall reacquaint myself with the superglue thing, thanks, but I'd still need to know a good method for creating a suitable mould from one of the original remaining feet.

If the other feet were removed then nothing would press on the spade looking items inside, so the scales couldn't work. Thanks anyway.

I don't have confidence, given the complex shape of the original feet, that just jamming anything in there would work. They must be the shape they are for a reason. It maybe worth trying (sans epoxy) in case though. Thanks.
Take a foot along to a potter or a school pottery class and ask for help. Its not difficult to make a mould.
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Thanks. I'll bear that in mind.
Just buy some new scales!
Old_Geezer, I would suggest using a silicone moulding kit to create a mould from one of the remaining feet, for example:
This could then be be used to cast a new foot using a suitable casting resin, like that used to create ornaments and jewellery items.
You can buy a new set of scales for £11-£12 at Argos. Why have all this hassle?
Exactly, LB. :-)
Takes a woman Tilly:-)
A suitable replacement rubber foot can probably be purchased for around two to three pounds including p&p; everyone should have epoxy glue in their toolbox – why do women want to waste money, rather than repair things?
It does, LB.
Cos' were spendthrifts, Hymie.
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Thanks for all the suggestions.

The thing is I'm not part of the new throw-away society. If something small can be fixed then it's an anathema to destroy it instead. Such a waste.
Don't throw it away, recycle it.
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That is throwing it away. Just that the material left by it's destruction might, if we're lucky, be used elsewhere.
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A couple of weeks ago I had a failure with the method chosen. And now I'm hoping for guidance on what resin or other material is best to use for the copy foot.


I used modelling clay to make the mould and the source foot came back out again ok. I hoped that the mould could be used and reused but accepted it may prove not possible to keep it whole when the new foot needs to be removed from it.

I then followed the instructions for superglue and baking soda, as it seemed to work in the videos.

I bought some Cyanoacrylate glue from Toolstation. 2 50ml bottles on offer (unsure how many ml I'd need) and paid extra for the more viscose option, as I  wanted to ensure it mixed easily. But it just came out as a blob and sat on the baking soda !!! (I have no idea how they fiddle these videos to make out it mixes, but it's B annoying.) I had to wait until it dried and remove all; I'm just hoping the mould didn't lose detail trying to clear it.


So now I'm wondering what to use to ensure a robust foot, able to withstand being stepped on for years to come. Any suggestions welcomed.



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