FM104's "The Word" Has made the phrase "Tuck Your Blanks into Your Blanks" one of the most mentioned phrases in Dublin City. The Prize money will for today will finish up at �19,600 providing it�s not guessed.
The pot goes up �100 an Hour, and �1000 a day.
One of the slogans for the competition is
"Get a Word win a third, Get the lot win the pot" A list of already guessed words can be found at
One thing you should remember is the competition is called "The Word", so only one word may need to be guessed. The phrase could be "Tuck your BAGS into Your BAGS" or "Tuck Your Blankets into Your Blankets"
But remember the answer may not make sense when its revelled. Obviously this phrase was only said once or twice thus it�s not a well known saying.
So look into things such as Off the wall comedians, Reality shows such as Big Brother, and children cartoons.
The fact the Station is aimed the 15-35 age group I would assume that it�s not from an old TV show or Film it could even be from a current TV show of latest film.
That�s the tips I�m using to try win.
One things for sure keep 6797104 on speed-dial!