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Can Peace Be Achieved By Humans
Why can't people and nations live in peace , ? No more , war, and to be able to travel freely , , Can peace be achieved by humans , Let's see what the Bible says ? Romans, 16,20, Matthew, 16 , 20
Canary42 4:18 Wed 22nd Nov 2023 ,, No, because people are incited to violence by the Holy Bible and other religious tracts. Smite all non-believers.
Locust ,,yes you may be right, in human thinking, But many people blame the Bible for the wars and religious conflicts, Between the nations,,But the Bible really tells you not to murder or condemn your brother or friend, It says to love your neighbour As your self, Would you harm yourself I don't think so., ?, We may think of a Neighbour as a person living nearby who is a close and helpful friend. (Proverbs. 27:10) But consider what Jesus said when a certain self-righteous man asked him: “Who really is my neighbour?” In response, Jesus gave the illustration of the neighbourly Samaritan. (Luke 10:29-37.) We might expect that an Israelite priest and a Levite would act like good neighbours when they saw a man who had been robbed, beaten, and left half-dead. However, they passed him by without doing anything for him. The man was helped by a Samaritan—an individual who belonged to a people who respected the Mosaic Law but for whom the Jews had contempt.—John 4:9 Thessalonians, 5:15 Matthew, 5, 43 – 45
The Bible has nothing to do with war and peace. Discord between humans has existed since the dawn of time. Cave dwellers no doubt said something like, "Look at them in the cave down the valley. Acting like they've got the best cave in the hillside. I'll show them who's got the best cave!" And so it went on, disagreement, jealousy, envy, and all of it leading to conflict.
bookbinder 16:23 Wed 22nd Nov 2023 he Bible has nothing to do with war and peace , And so it went on, disagreement, jealousy, envy, and all of it leading to conflict.
Locust , why is man's determination to destroy himself and his Greed and selfish motives causing this Greed and dish on to man, 1 Peter 5 ,8,10 , On the other hand, we have our own imperfect flesh, this wicked system of things and Satan the Devil himself with which to contend , Devil” means “Slanderer,” “Accuser,” or “Maligner.” Satan is also calle the ,serpent” because he used a serpent to deceive Eve in the garden of Eden.
John 10:10 "...I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
Although everyone has a more abundant life available to them, not everyone has accepted it or is going to. Despite this, God's goodness and good wishes are upon all.
I Timothy 2:4 "Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth."
As individuals we can do our best to harmonize with God's goodness, and pray that the truth of the Word has free course, and encourage others to do the same.
II Thessalonians 2:1,2 "Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you: And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith."
salmEquipt 11:16 Th 23rd Nov 2023,
Locust, thank you very much for your comment I did like the verses you have quoted especially the one in John 10:10 This is in parallel with the parable of, Matthew, 5, 43 – 45 when Jesus will return to destroy all those who have turned their back on their creator, and we must emphasize that all those Angels who left their proper place as we know as demons will be thrown into the pit of everlasting fire ? .
That is a good quotation from I Timothy 2:4 , whose will is that all sorts of people should be saved, that every man should come to an accurate knowledge of the true god and his true purpose for mankind to be able to have the opportunity to everlasting life perfect paradise Earth and the Resurrection and those who will go to heaven. Acts 20:28,29, Matthew 7:15 ,15 “Be on the watch for the false prophets.
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