i suffer quite badly from insomnia generally for around 3 out of every 4 weeks, and with returning to college it is making me struggle to concentrate. i dont believe in taking medication for it because i dont want to become dependant. Other then alcohol i cant find anything else that helps me sleep.. but i dont want to be having a drink every night..
can anyone suggest anything i can try as i have run out of ideas
lavender pillows or just a couple of drops of lavender oil on your pillow, if you go to holland barret the will give you some ideas for natural remidies that will help they good luck
watch the X factor...no seriously i always find that after sex..i wanna sleep for britain...are you in that position..not trying to be personal or anything!
Having alcohol for sleeping is bad for your health.
Insomnia (sleeplessness) is due to stress, dietary and medical problems. By making small lifestyle changes like having a fixeddaily routine, relaxing and eating properly, insomnia can becured. I found the information at http://tinyurl.com/jfzpz useful
for getting sleep.