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Blast From The Past!

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Unrulyjules68 | 18:56 Tue 05th Dec 2023 | ChatterBank
28 Answers

It's been many a year since I posted on answerbank but I'm back....there are a few familiar names but not many.....I was a regular circa 2006ish...Back in the day, before chatterbank was born, we posted all our chatter in body and long have you all been posting on here ? 



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I've been posting since 2004 but changed to LoftyLottie in 2007, taking a break for a couple of years 2011-2013.  Had a few names since!   But still get called Lottie!  Your name sounds familiar.

Can anyone explain why they should change their name, other than to deceive other ABers.

The Twitter/X change got a bit of a battering on here IIRC, so in some circumstances it is decried.

Canary, I think in some cases people forget their password so have to reregister as someone else.

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Wow...lots of names here that I was a free for all at weekends back then. Lol lots of fallout too....Great times though. Thank you all for responding.  Its good to be back 

True jno.  It was not my intention ever to deceive other ebayers.  That's why I disclose my pre ious name. Also I have changed email addresses on several occasions over the years.  I've never used two names at the same time.  Country lover came about because for ages I tried to get back as Miss Terious 2.  Anyway a change is as good as a rest!

I've had the same name for years...and I don't even eat pasta anymore.😆🍝

OK, I understand.

Hello stranger! Have been on here as Smowball since 2011, but was on here for ages and ages before then under another username, but as has already been mentioned - whenever you used to forget your password you would have to re-register under a different name to log on again, so Smowball was created a mere 11 years ago lol.

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