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retrocop | 11:03 Fri 15th Dec 2023 | Crosswords
9 Answers

I have a clue : Cut off in China (6) The letters I have are:    ? r ?e ? d. I can only think of Friend. If this is correct could some one kindly parse the answer. I can only think of Cockney slang=China=plate=mate=Friend.

Am I on the right track? Thanks in advance.



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Cut of-f in red
11:27 Fri 15th Dec 2023

Yep friend is the only word that fits so I get the China bit but not the "cut off" bit. You are sure of the letters?

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Sure as I can be TTT. The R comes from DICER (Cried out for kitchen implement)

The E comes fron enthuse(Encourage to see hunt sabotaged)

The D comes from RIGID (Equipment I had is hard to adapt)

ok well friend is the only 6 letter word that fits those letters.

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Thanks TTT. Reckon that's why it's called a cryptic crossword.

Cut of-f in red

Could you explain further Patsy ?

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Thanks Patsy. That seems a logical parse. Red China

That explains it.


Just come back to this.

I always associate 'red' with China, in cryptic crosswords. 😁 Thanks retro.

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