You have to melt the chocolate to make caraque curls, as it has to be spread over a flat surface in order to achieve good, long curls.
Gently melt the chocolate and spread a thin layer on a cool, flat surface (a marble top works best). When just set, using the edge of a sharp, flat knife at a 45 degree angle, scrape thin strips of chocolate away from your body in a smooth action - don't saw. The strips will curl as they come away. If the curls break, the chocolate has set too hard and must be remelted.
You can get quite good caraques using an ice cream scoop too...spread the chocolate and allow to set hard, then pull the 'tip' of an ice cream scoop towards you. They'll be thicker than knife-pulled caraques, but they're slightly easier to make.
GOOD LUCK!!! :o)