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the descent

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stylinsam | 08:47 Thu 12th Oct 2006 | Film, Media & TV
10 Answers
ok guys i watched it, and omg i screamed and sreamed iv got no voice left today, the best horror film iv ever seen with the biggest jump in my life,i was sitting casualy waiting for something to happen, sipping a glass of wine them bump!!! wine everywhere!

i think the ending, i think sarah maybe one of them? maybe??

what do u guys think?


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Na... I think they all died and thats it. Maybe Sarah could have changed into one instead of being killed?!?

Have you seen Hostel yet Stylinsam? another good en, with a possible element that things like that could be possible... scary thought!
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yeah seen hostel, wasnt much for it although it was pretty gory! x
I have to say Sammy that I thought Descent wasn't great, some good 'make you jump' moments but I don't think it went anywhere.... now, The Ring (Japanese and American versions), that scares the b'jesus out of me, I still can't watch it on my own and I've seen it ten times at least.... I'm such a girl sometimes!
lol. I work with a Slovak girl. Made her watch Hostel. She hasn't talked to me since! Not sure whether to take that as I've insulted her, or I've stumbled on the truth!!
I'm with you China Doll.
If you liked "Descent" and "Hostel" then check out the latest version of "The Hills have Eyes" - you won't be disappointed.
These movies are all crap folks. The best horror in recent years is The Devils Rejects. Absolutely the best movie I have seen in the last 10 years, of any genre.
sorry 2 say it but sarah wouldnt have turned into 1 of them. they had evolved in the dark and were a seperate species. u mite b thinking of the cave. the films r very similar, although the descent uses more camera work and better directing 2 increase suspense rather than CG effects, but in the cave there was a parasite that made the monsters i.e. people could turn into them but this was not the case in the descent.
The new version of The Hills Have Eyes is terrible, I endured it last weekend. Can't remember the last time I watched a horror film that I was actually scared by. Even Land of the Dead wasn't that good.

My boyfriend went to school with the main girl in the Descent. He totally fancied her, but she was too much of a goody-goody for the likes of him. As he said, eyeing me "Things could have been so different."

Aye for both of us, mate!
pact7641.. I must agree that all these horror films are crap but Devils Rejects was appallingly bad and I loved House of 1000 corpses. It was not scary at all and the storyline sucked. Best horror films I have seen in ages would have to be Saw and Saw II. Or even the Final Destination series. Might not be really scary and some of the deaths are just over complicated but has some great shocks in it

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