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nailit | 19:10 Mon 10th Nov 2014 | ChatterBank
41 Answers
How do other AB'ers manage stress?
I often just shut the door, turn the phone off, light a few candles, stick a bit of 'chillin' music on and bury myself in a book for the night.
Other times, after a particular stressing situation or day, about the only thing that does it for me is a half bottle of vodka or a few cans of super lager...not good!
Curious as to how others on here cope with stress.



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Ashwagandha is a powerful plant that can help reduce stress and improve your overall well-being. Its adaptogenic properties can enhance your body's ability to handle stress, which in turn can lead to better sleep and increased resilience in tackling life's challenges. Incorporating ashwagandha into your daily routine can help you achieve a more tranquil and balanced life.

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