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What Is A Porky?

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ToraToraTora | 20:16 Wed 29th May 2024 | Jobs & Education
34 Answers

There are a lot of BS posts in news accusing people of telling lies but rarely are there any examples given so I am Offering a service. What is a lie? Over to you.



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22:18 "Tora says he's offering a service, Mr Hughes, but doesn't seem to have detailed what it is." - On this site and in the wider world people are accused of lying for all manner of things when they are not lying. I am offering to adjudicate any examples you may have. Eg when a politician says they are going to do something and they end up not doing it, if they really intended to do it but were prevented from doing it by changes in circumstances then they are NOT lying.

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10cs: "A lie is telling the H of C that you weren't at a party during Covid when you clearly were, then a fine ensues. That's a lie." - nope, if you believed it was an allowable gathering (...and opinion is divided on that) then it's not a porky.

See doug?!

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AH: "I think  TTT maybe thinks it's a job. But we'll have to wait and see if he confirms that. " - I am offering education, many seem to need it.

So when a politician keeps saying they will reduce net immigration to tens of thousands instead of hundreds of thousands, but they know the law will not allow them to do that, is that a lie?

And when immigration does go do down but instead goes up massively over the next 14 years, does that render the pledge an untruth, a false promise, a mistake?

Just one of many Johnson lies; in 2019, Boris said “the UK does not have free ports because of its membership of the EU”.


Now the truth:

As of 2020, there were 80 “free zones” in the EU across 21 member countries, and even during its time as a member of the trading bloc, the UK also had its own free ports, including in Liverpool and Glasgow.  In total the UK had seven free ports in the period 1984 to 2012.

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gromit:"So when a politician keeps saying they will reduce net immigration to tens of thousands instead of hundreds of thousands, but they know the law will not allow them to do that, is that a lie?" - nope they fully intend to, even changing the law, yet they are prevented by other things.

"And when immigration does go do down but instead goes up massively over the next 14 years, does that render the pledge an untruth, a false promise, a mistake?" - It's a failed ambition. Like when Ally's army set out in 1978 declaring they'll "really sheck em oop, when we win the werrold coop" - That was an ambition that failed not a porky.

I can see my service is badly needed here. Next.

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hymie: //Just one of many Johnson lies; in 2019, Boris said “the UK does not have free ports because of its membership of the EU”.// - I think what we have here is a literacy issue with the reader.

TTT’s argument is basically that Boris Johnson is too stupid to know whether what he is saying is the truth or not (that may very well be correct) – but if I were a politician, I’d rather be called out for lies, than be totally stupid.

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Politicians say things and promise things all the time. They can't pesonally know all the facts all the time they have to rely on officials etc. If you accuse Boris of being dim for saying things that later turn out to be wrong then that goes for all of them.

People know that when a sports team enter a knock out competition, that despite their bravado, they will more than likely to be knocked out. Then the football manager is sacked.

When a political party keep saying they WILL do something for 14 years, but in actual fact they make things far worse, then the voting population will decide they have been misled, and not fall for those empty words again. And the Political party will be sacked.

In 2019 the Conservatives said in their election manifesto

// "the overall [immigration] numbers will come down" and "we will ensure that the British people are always in control". //

That did not happen. They failed miserably. And derserve the electorial consequences on July 4th, 

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We've done this to death Gromit. People like you do everything you can to frustrate the ambition then moan that the ambition is not achieved. You never offer a solution then poo poo all ideas then moan that the problem isn't solved.

// People like you do everything you can to frustrate the ambition //

i have no power to influence or frustrate a Government with a huge majority in the Commons, and a built-in majority in the Lords. 
Their abject failure to deliver is entirely down to their own incompetence and lack of talent.  
They are still there after 14 years because gullible people keep believing the same lie.

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