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OftPuzzled | 10:27 Fri 31st May 2024 | Crosswords
5 Answers

Muddled through this but hit a dead end on the thematic items. Any hints appreciated! Also, is the second letter of 21d important? I have two possibilities. 



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OftPuzzled, there are some hints on other threads - have you seen those? Yes, the second letter of 21 D is important, only one of the 'possibilities' fits the theme.

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Thanks NAC - I did see the other hints, but I'm still clueless!

A la carte = French. Look at parts of each unclued, not the whole of the unclued, and then relate these parts geographically to where they feature in the grid - very clever!

I also ought to add that aswell as describing menus, "a la carte" translates as "on the map"

Thanks, OftPuzzled - I've been out, so am just catching up now. If you'd said the earlier hints hadn't helped, I'd have tried to give you a bigger one! I'm delighted that JJ came along and supplied such useful info.

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