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So Far In This Election Campaign.......

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10ClarionSt | 14:23 Tue 18th Jun 2024 | News
17 Answers

.............we've seen all the Tories behaving like Harry Boyle every time Labour say something. Scuttling round trying to frighten everone about commies, lefties and spendthrifts. Dee doo doo dont dee dough? 😄



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why is this in news - why are you even posting such rubbish?

Who is Harry Boyle?


very few people actually have any idea what communists think because they do not bother to read what they write. i am frequently called a communist by foolish and illiterate answerbankers because i post leftwing opinions. it is just a whine, a scare tactic targeting the hard of thinking. 

@15.57.Are you pro-Putins fascism or against Putins fascism Untitled?Are you pro-Palestinian terrorism or against Palestinian terrorism Untitled?

It's because the Tories especially the ones on Ab are realizing the game is up ..The Partys over, its time to call it a day. But they will still try and use any last desperate trick in the book to try and cling onto power by trying to degrade the Labour party.The Tories have robbed and plundered  the working class and the taxpayer for the last fourteen years .And now it's pay back time. Get rid of the Cons ..NOW!.

The labour party plundered the poor for thirteen years before that and look to be likely to start again soon. Whoever gets in the future looks black.

@16.08.The SNP have been ripping us Scots off for the past 18 years,gulliver,and it will be at least two years before we can get rid of these thieves and chancers.

16.24 But it only cost you shares in a motor home.

Afraid not,gulliver.£600,000 still missing from the SNPs accounts,a big Portuguese villa owned by the Murrells which they claimed they never owned up to owning.Nah,the SNP members and voters are being made fools of.Serves them right.

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Thanks for the replies folks. I'm posting it to show the rubbish that the Tories are coming out with. Scaremongering all the time. That's all they've done in this campaign. And asked people to stop talking about the last 14 years. It's annoying them, don't yer know? 😄 So just... just... just stop it! 😄

"Are you pro-Putins fascism or against Putins fascism Untitled?Are you pro-Palestinian terrorism or against Palestinian terrorism Untitled?"

neither of these have anything to do with communism (a communist could plausibly make a case either for or against them both) and the very fact that you ask me this demonstrates that you have absolutely no idea what "communism" as an ideology actually is. 

to answer your questions... i have always hated Putin and consider him a fascist. i do not support terrorism or attacks on non combatants as a means of advancing any cause whatsoever, even ones that i agree with.

08.02 ClarionSt . I  have also noticed the Crooked Cons have stopped talking about the £200 million disappearance of taxpayers money with the PPE Fraud between Baroness Mone Boris, and Gove. Which has been conveniently Swept under the carpet .  Not to mention that odious little man Matt Hancock and his pub landlord friend who also conned the taxpayer out of £40 million .Then we have the present Lord Cameron who managed to trouser a cool £7 million from illegal lobbying in the Greensill scandal.But as Cameron said "We are all in this together.But as Clarion says we must stop talking about it , it annoys them.

so far in this election campaign, I've not seen any campaign workers, or candidates. The very few leaflets were delivered by the Royal Mail.

I'd like to vote for a candidate that will take an interest when I need them to help. so far they can't be bothered with us even when they need us to vote for them, so I'm pretty unlikely to get what I want.

if you see Syd Tell him

How low can these crooked Tories get ? The Tory candidate for Keighley . Is pushing red posters through the letter boxes in his constituency with just his name on but no mention of the Tory party. By using Labours colours and  to vote for him.....This is straightforward Con Conmanship......

I see another odious little man. Tory Mp Grant Shapps has also has ditched the Conservative party Brand and colours in his campaign adverts.He doesn't even mention the Tory party in his adverts.

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